Thursday 19 November 2015

World of my Character

I have created a background in which my character lives in in order to give her substance and make her costume and appearance correlate with where she is living.


My character is a human/snake hybrid woman that is in her 20's. Snakes shed their skin two to four times a year, which is how often she sheds. When her exterior is that of a human, she sheds that skin and underneath is her snake exterior where she has scales on her head and her skin is green. This process happens every time she sheds. So depending on which exterior she has outside, the other will be underneath and be her new exterior. She will have a long black ponytail that is sleek and straight, and her face will be a solid green colour with a contour to sculpt her face. She will have spaced out eyelashes that are sleek and not thick as I don't think this is reptilian like.

She wears gold or tribal jewellery that shows her regal position and connotes Mayan culture. Moreover, she wears clothes with gold on them but it is also partly makeshift from materials people have made or that she finds in the jungle and fashions them accordingly.


The world she lives in is post-apocalyptic. The world was destroyed when the Mayans were around, and they predicted that the world would end correctly. It took thousands of years for the world to recover, and now it is filled with lush green and vast jungles, one of which my character lives in. The apocalypse was caused by a meteor that brought foreign materials to the world, and these began to flourish and changed the way biology works on earth. Therefore, this then enabled mutants to form, meaning mixes of animals and humans grew and evolved, thus creating a strain of snake humans that my character is a species my character is of.

The small amount of population in this world has gone back to primitive ways where gods and royal families are worshipped, and my character is of a high ranking. Therefore she wears gold jewellery and looks as if she is clean and neat. She lives off the forest, so is an expert in weaponry, fighting and hunting.

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